
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sky on fire

Island bay sunset, feels like summer is ending.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

There was a little girl

There was a little girl, 
who had a little curl, 
right in the middle of her forehead, 
and when she was good, 
she was very very good, 
and when she was bad, 
she was horrid.

Grandma used to sing me that song when I was a little girl. There is something about being back home in Dad's magical garden that makes me revert back to my childhood and want to play fairies in the forest.

Monday, February 11, 2013


I might be a little bit biased but I honestly think that our family farm is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Can't wait to head up north tomorrow for some sunshine and the wedding of the year!

All photos taken on Pentax M E super on Agfaphoto CT precisa film iso 100

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Island Bay

As far as Welly beaches go, Island Bay is pretty awesome. The fiance and I have been spending a lot of time there recently, and neither of us can get enough.
Apart from being gorgeously rugged with a little pontoon to jump off, an island to kayak to, some crazy big seaweed, and super clear (and freezing) water, it is a beautiful place to ride our bikes through and even has a little aquarium with a 'touching pool' so you can touch weird squishy anemones and sea cucumbers (not everyones cup of tea I admit).
Basically, if you are in Welly I recommend going there!

All photos taken on Pentax M E super on Agfaphoto CT precisa film iso 100

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Back in Welly the deliciousness of my summer holiday and the excites of our engagement are  coming to a rest, and I am starting to settle back into 'normal life'. Normal life has been pretty sweet, spending time with friends, catching butterflies, beaching, baking cookies, and having hot dates with my babe as fiance. Pretty much living the dream. x

All photos taken on Pentax M E super on Agfaphoto CT precisa film iso 100